How to Use a Fascia Gun with Heat Compress?

The use of fascia gun and hot compress is methodical, in order to maximize the effect on relaxation and muscle recovery. First things first, which is usually determined by the body part you’re trying to target so pick your attachment head_POSITIONs. A more considerable head is better indicates for those deep muscular tissue locations like the thighs or back. Most heat compresses have adjustable temperature settings that can be set anywhere between 95°F to 125°F (35°C – 52°C); you should start with a lower temperature and then increase the level slowly, based on your comfort ability as well as what the muscles need. The heat option plus percussion therapy increases blood flow up to 30% which means you lessen muscle stiffening and healing is faster.

For each muscle group, usage time ranges from 1 to 3 minutes. To ensure maximum benefits, adjust the speed of this device from 1,200 to 3,,200 RPM depending on your muscle tolerance and workout intensity. Obviously, post-workout recovery time is typically done at higher RPMs and a more relaxed session might not need them. Slowly move the fascia gun back and forth over each muscle, so that they receive even pressure (and heat). If experts are to be believed both in the fitness industry and otherwise, this combination can help cut down delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) by a generous 25% within as low as first twenty-four hours – magnificent for one & all practicing sports professionally or merely working out at their favourite gym.

A good battery life is very important for being performance that are consistent. The battery life of most fascia guns with heating treatment is 4 to 6 hours, so that you can relax and use them freely for many times. This is especially helpful for those who have multiple recovery needs in a day and or simply cannot afford time to just rest before activity. For that type of models which is high-quality, they have also a feature for noise reduction technology so it work with less than 45 decibels to avoid making more voices and let the process go smoothly in quiet mode.

Most fitness professionals say to start with the heat compress for a little bit, just so you can warm up those muscles and then move on in to more intense percussive therapy. “Percussive treatment stretches muscles immediately before use and directly following to prevent injury, greatly reducing the likelihood of injuries associated with exercise,” commented Dr. Sarah Lee, Sports Therapist. This method is to allow the fascia gun muscles penetrate deeper, can play a better relaxation and stretch release function.

If you are using the device for injury rehabilitation, just simply apply to that body area on a low-midrange heat setting. Data in clinical studies showed that the use of a fascia gun with heat compress for rehabilitation can accelerate healing by 35%, especially when treating soft tissue injuries. Gently massaging an inflamed area can help relax the tissue, but overusing pressure especially in sensitive regions could make things worse.

This is an effective recovery tool that treats your body to proper muscle rehabilitation- Best of all, this machine works as a heat compress too so you have the benefits of both Heat therapy and Percussive massage in one while aiding full-body recuperation.

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